Plastiko smulkinimo mašina, Plastikinio granuliavimo mašina, Plastikinis malūnėlis, Plastikinis trupintuvas
Plastiko smulkinimo mašina, šlifavimo mašina naudojama dydžiui sumažinti, esminis plastiko perdirbimo žingsnis. Plastic grinding machine have the ability to quickly break down plastic products such as plastic bottles, laikiklis, būgnai, ir filmus į mažus, vienodi gabalai, vadinami „permaltais“ arba „dribsniais“. Kai kuriais atvejais, tai galbūt vienintelis žingsnis, kurio reikia norint pakartotinai panaudoti gaminant naujus plastikinius gaminius. Didžiąja dalimi, perdirbant plastiką reikia daug daugiau perdirbimo rūšiuojant ir atskiriant, dydžio sumažinimas, skalbimas, ir granuliavimas.
In plastic crushing grinding machine, cutting knives are install on a high-speed rotating rotor driven by an electric motor. This rotor is encased in a cutting chamber where stationary knives are installed. As the plastic scrap enters this cutting chamber, the rotating knives come into contact with the stationary knives cutting the plastic into small pieces. A large screen mesh with many holes is placed at the bottom. The plastic will continue to mix and be cut by the knives until it is small enough to fall through the mesh holes. So, through adjusting the size of the holes, can control the size of the output.