PP PE atliekų plastikinės plėvelės granuliavimo perdirbimo mašina

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine with international advanced recycling technology and combined with the actual application condition. Ši plastiko granuliavimo perdirbimo mašina skirta perdirbti išplautą plastikinę PE plėvelę, pavyzdžiui, PE plastikiniai maišeliai, plastikinės pakavimo plėvelės, plastikiniai pirkinių maišeliai, agricultural film etc.

After PE PP plastic pelletizing machine processing, the final products are plastic pellets/granules, which can be to produce plastic bags, drainage pipes, plastic board/sheet etc.

PP PE atliekų plastikinės plėvelės granuliavimo perdirbimo mašina


PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine with international advanced recycling technology and combined with the actual application condition. Ši plastiko granuliavimo perdirbimo mašina skirta perdirbti išplautą plastikinę PE plėvelę, pavyzdžiui, PE plastikiniai maišeliai, plastikinės pakavimo plėvelės, plastikiniai pirkinių maišeliai, agricultural film etc.

After PE PP plastic pelletizing machine processing, the final products are plastic pellets/granules, which can be to produce plastic bags, drainage pipes, plastic board/sheet etc.


Video of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

The whole PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine line includes(customizable):

Belt conveyor → Compression barrel (agglomerator) → Efficient extruder → Non-stop hydraulic screen filter changer → Water ring cutting → Vibration machine → Dewatering machine → Blower → Storage hopper. Electric control panel


Photos of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Belt conveyor of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Compress barrel, agglomerator of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Extruder of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Hydraulic filter screen changer of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Watering cutting die head of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Vibrating machine of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

The pellets get from PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine

Function of the main parts in PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine:

  1. Belt conveyor feeding: as standard design, plastic scraps such as film, bag, filament, raffia conveyed into the compacting barrel through belt conveyor; to process rollsscraps, roll hauling off device is an optional feeding method. Motor drives of conveyor belt and hauling device cooperate with ABB inverter. Feeding speed of conveyor belt and roll hauling off is fully automatic based on compactor’s barrel’ space. Metal detector can combined with belt conveyor, and can interlock with control system, to warn and stop the system, in case that metal into the screw.
  2. Compression barrel: crushing and compacting the material, the rotatory blades of compactor will cut up incoming scraps. Frictional heating which caused by high-speed rotatory blades will heat the scraps, and let them shrinking just below their agglomerating point. Optimal designed guide structure compacts the material and directs it into extruder screw. Crushes, dries and compacts the material, which enables a fast and stable feeding from the compactor directly into the extruder.
  3. Ekstruderis: plastifikacijai ir degazavimui, specializuotas vieno sraigtinis ekstruderis, naudojamas iš anksto sutankintai medžiagai išlydyti. Plastiko likučiai gerai išsilydys, plastifikuojamas pirmosios pakopos ekstruderyje, o plastikas bus išspaudžiamas antrosios pakopos ekstruderiu. Su dviejų zonų vakuumine degazavimo sistema, lakiosios medžiagos, tokios kaip mažos molekulinės masės ir drėgmės, bus pašalintos efektyviai, ypač tinka sunkioms spausdintoms plėvelėms ir medžiagoms, kuriose yra šiek tiek vandens.
  4. Nepertraukiamas hidraulinio ekrano filtro keitiklis: dvipakopis filtravimas, filtravimas pirmajame ekstruderyje, ir smulkus filtravimas antrajame ekstruderyje, sumažinti filtravimo sietų keitimo dažnumą. Filtravimo technologijos reikalavimai labai priklauso nuo įvesties medžiagos kokybės ir planuojamo granulių naudojimo.
  5. Pjovimo granuliavimas: die-face water ring pelletizing system as the standard granulating method in Wedo system. Self-adjusting pelletizing head for the best granulate quality, and consistently correct blades pressure can ensure long running. Rotate speed of cutting blades is automatic based on melt extruding pressure. Advanced dewatering vibration sieve combining with vertical-type centrifugal dewatering present high performance dried pellets.


Parameters of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine:

100-150 150 Laikykite vandenį vėsų 1-2 <2%
200-300 200 Laikykite vandenį vėsų 1-2 <2%
300-400 280 Laikykite vandenį vėsų 1-2 <2%
450-500 350 Laikykite vandenį vėsų 1-2 <2%
700-800 460 Laikykite vandenį vėsų 1-2 <2%


Advantage of PP PE waste plastic film pelletizing recycling machine:

Labai mažas darbo jėgos poreikis.

Stabilus bėgimas.

Automatinis pastovios temperatūros valdymas.

CE sertifikatas, ISO9001 sertifikatas, SGS sertifikatas

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