what we offer
Alltid dedikert og hengiven
PET resirkulering
Resirkuleringsmaskin for vask av PET-plastflasker kan enkelt vaske og resirkulere PET-avfallsflaske.
PP PE resirkulering
PP PE avfall plast resirkuleringsmaskin linje kan enkelt vaske og resirkulere avfall PP PE filmer/poser/flaske.
Plastkvern, eller noen ganger kalt Crusher/Granulator, har den unike evnen, kan raskt og effektivt skjære plastrester i små jevne flak eller ommaling for resirkulering.
PET plast pelletiseringsmaskin med internasjonal avansert resirkuleringsteknologi og kombinert med den faktiske brukstilstanden.
PP PE plast pelleterende granulerende resirkuleringsmaskin med internasjonal avansert resirkuleringsteknologi og kombinert med den faktiske brukstilstanden.
Plastekstruderingsmaskin kan brukes i forskjellige felt. Det er plastrørekstruderingsmaskin, ekstruderingsmaskin med fordypninger i plast, plastprofil ekstruderingsmaskin, etc.

We Provide Grinder Crusher Machine First
WEDO Machinery CO., LTD. is set up in workshop area was about 500m2, the mainly product is the crusher machine and the auxiliary machine, and the machine are supply to other plastic machine company.

We start produce the related recycling machine
After a long of ups and downs, Wedo machinery experience good business and bad business. But no mater how the business is, Wedo always keep supply the good quality machine, that make us survival has developed to the present.

We begain to produce the whole plastic recycling machine
And with the long time producing experience, we extend the business not only crusher machine and the auxiliary machine, We start the whole plastic recycling machine line systerm. And the highly quality control make us deveped very fast.

We keep research and development on plastic recycling machine
Utill now Wedo machinery have fully plastic recycling machine line experience, the excellent quality machine sales all over the world. Wedo machinery will keep improve the technology of the recycling machine and extrusion machine.

Wedo will listen carefully about customer's require, and to communication every details of customer's need.

Wedo vil ha svært streng kvalitetskontroll på produktene våre, det for å sikre at hele maskinens system er i utmerket kvalitet.

Vi leverer ett års garantitid, Opplevelsesdeling og fjernstøtte støtter dekselmaskiner' hele levetiden.

Wedo-maskineri fortsetter å levere maskinen av høy kvalitet, that customer's praise is our biggest pursuit.
Alltid dedikert og hengiven

PP PE avfall plast resirkuleringsmaskin linje kan enkelt vaske og resirkulere avfall PP PE filmer/poser/flaske. Waste and dirty PP PE films/bags/bottle can be processed step by step, by this recycling machine. It is special for washing PP PE films/bags/bottle. We can help to attach equipment at the end of the washing recycling line so that the completely dry flakes can be collected and packed directly after been washed.

PP PE plast pelleterende granulerende resirkuleringsmaskin med internasjonal avansert resirkuleringsteknologi og kombinert med den faktiske brukstilstanden. Denne plastpelletiseringsresirkuleringsmaskinen er design spesialisert for resirkulering av den vaskede PE-plastfilmen, som PE plastposer, plastpakkefilmer, handleposer i plast, plastic handbag etc.

PET plast pelletiseringsmaskin med internasjonal avansert resirkuleringsteknologi og kombinert med den faktiske brukstilstanden. This PET plastic pelletizing machine is design specializes for recycling the recycled washed plastic PET plastic flakes/scraps, such as Cola plastic bottle flakes/scraps, purified water bottle flakes/scraps, PET sheet flakes/scraps, PET drinking bottle flakes/scraps etc.

PET plast pelletiseringsmaskin med internasjonal avansert resirkuleringsteknologi og kombinert med den faktiske brukstilstanden. This PET plastic pelletizing machine is design specializes for recycling the recycled washed plastic PET plastic flakes/scraps, such as Cola plastic bottle flakes/scraps, purified water bottle flakes/scraps, PET sheet flakes/scraps, PET drinking bottle flakes/scraps etc.

Plastic corrugated pipe making machine can be used to produce corrugated pipes of PVC, PÅ, PP, continuously. Plastic corrugated pipes have features of high temperature resistance, resistant to corrosion and abrasion, high intensity, good flexibility, etc. The plascit corrugated pipe can wildly used in road and bridge construction.
Material → Vacuum Loading → Raw Material Drying → Single Screw Extruder → Mold → Vacuum Forming machine → Cutter→ Stacker → Completed Product Inspection & Packaging.

HDPE Dimpled drainage borad production machine line (Dimpled waterproof drainage board making machine) is to product the dimpled sheet, den med høy automatisk og stabil utgang. Alt av kontrollsystemet er brukt PLS, veldig enkel å betjene.
Fordypningene dannes gjennom vakuumet.
This production line product is a dimpled plastic sheet, which used in various waterproof application.