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Kako reciklirati PET steklenico, Uvajamo strojno predelavo za recikliranje plastičnih steklenic PET

This video is to introduce the PET plastic bottle recycling machien processing steps, from the PET bales, to get the PET flakes, there are many different steps. This video are try to explain one of the method to recycling the PET bottles, the PET plastic is the one of the most popular plastic in our […]

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3000kg/h PET bottle recycling machine,stroj za recikliranje plastičnih steklenic,PET bottle scrap recycling machine video

Stroj za recikliranje PET plastenk,stroj za recikliranje plastičnih steklenic,PET bottle scrap machine, PET recycling machine Working Flow : Belt conveyor → De-Labeller(bale breaker) → Belt conveyor → De-label(label remover) → Manual sorting table → Metal detector(or metal seperator) →Belt conveyor → Wet crusher → Screw conveyor(spiral conveyor) → High speed friction washing machine → Screw conveyor → […]

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Proizvodna linija plošč za odvajanje vode iz plastike HDPE, Video stroj za izdelavo vodoodporne drenažne membrane

Stroj za izdelavo drenažnih plošč iz plastike HDPE (Linija za proizvodnjo vodoodpornih drenažnih plošč z jamicami) je izdelava drenažne plošče z jamicami, z visoko avtomatsko in stabilno proizvodnjo. Ves nadzorni sistem se uporablja PLC, zelo enostaven za uporabo.
Vdolbine nastajajo skozi vakuum.

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Polyamide PA 66 GF 25 thermal break insulating profile strip bars extrusion machine line video

The utility model mainly uses the special screw to make the polyamide nylon 66 and the glass fiber obtain good plasticization, and the extrusion moulds/tools extruded into a thermal insulating profile, which is widely applied to the doors, windows and curtain wall aluminum sheets through the different sections of the moulds/tools.

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Stroj za recikliranje EPS, polistirenski kompaktor, stroj za recikliranje stiropora, Video o zgoščevalcu EPS stiropora

EPS pena za hladno stiskanje stiroporja za zgoščevanje je stroj za recikliranje stiropora, ki lahko z rezili in zobniki razbije odpadni material iz stiropora na majhne koščke, nato pa bi ga bilo mogoče zlahka stisniti v tesne ingote pene v razmerju 50:1. Po zbijanju, odpadni stiropor se lahko ponovno uporabi za izdelavo drugih izdelkov, kot so okvirni izdelki in konstrukcijske letve

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Stroj za peletiranje plastike PET, New under water cutting plastic granulator machine, PET pelletizer video

New Under Water Strand Pelletizing Machine system: The strand go into the pelletizer by the water flow, even the strand is break during changing the filter, there will no waste after starting.
We can control the temperature of the final pellets. We can make it hot, if you want to crystallize the final pellet. It will save the energy to heat up the pellets.

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Plastic crushing machine, Plastic granulator machine, Plastični mlinček, Plastični drobilnik

Plastic crushing machine, grinding machine is used for size reduction, an essential step in plastic recycling. Plastic grinding machine have the ability to quickly break down plastic products such as plastic bottles, braket, drums, and films into small, uniform pieces called “regrinds” or “flakes”. In some cases, this maybe the only step required before it can be reused in manufacturing new plastic products. For the most part, recycling the plastic need much more processing in sorting and separation, size reduction, washing, and pelletizing.

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PVC flakes plastic granulating pelletizing recycling machine video

PVC flakes plastic granulating pelletizing recycling machine
Twin screw extruder PVC plastic pelletizing machine are applied to the waste materials, which needs high processing performance of melting, volatilization, filtering etc., mainly works for the job of PVC scraps recycling and re-pelletizing.
PVC plastic pelletizing machine with international advanced recycling technology and combined with the actual application condition. This PVC plastic pelletizing machine is design specializes for recycling the recycled washed plastic PVC plastic flakes/scraps, such as PVC pipe flakes/scraps, PVC sheet flakes/scraps etc.

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2000kg/h stroj za recikliranje PET, Stroj za recikliranje PET plastenk, Video o stroju za recikliranje plastenk PET

Ta stroj za recikliranje plastike je namenjen drobljenju pranja in recikliranju odpadnih plastičnih PET plastenk. Ta stroj za recikliranje plastike PET je sestavljen iz odstranjevalca etiket, sorter, drobilnik, hladno pranje, vroče pranje, odvodnjavanje, sistem pakiranja. Lahko dobi čiste PET kosmiče iz PE PP pokrovčka, olje, PVC etiketa, nato ponovno uporabite PET kosmiče, da bi se izognili onesnaženju s plastiko.

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