Ponovno objavi: Zakonodajalci uvajajo zmanjšanje količine plastičnih odpadkov, zakon o recikliranju

Ponovno objavi: Zakonodajalci uvajajo zmanjšanje količine plastičnih odpadkov, zakon o recikliranju

Zakonodajalci uvajajo zmanjšanje količine plastičnih odpadkov, recycling act The Plastic Waste Reduction and Recycling Act would direct the establishment of a waste reduction, raziskovalni program recikliranja. Posted by Megan Smalley U.S. Rep. Haley Stevens iz Michigana in Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio have introduced the Plastic Waste Reduction and Recycling Act as bipartisan legislation to […]

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Recikliranje različne plastike

Recikliranje različne plastike

Recikliranje različne plastike Razumevanje številk na plastičnih izdelkih in posodah Avtor Earth Talk Posodobljeno avgusta 13, 2019   Plastika je vsestranski in poceni material s tisočimi možnostmi uporabe, vendar je tudi pomemben vir onesnaževanja. Nekatera zaskrbljujoča okoljska vprašanja vključujejo plastiko, vključno z ogromnimi zaplatami oceanskih smeti in problemom mikrokroglic. Recikliranje lahko nekatere olajša […]

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Točno to, kar vsak simbol za recikliranje plastike dejansko pomeni

Točno to, kar vsak simbol za recikliranje plastike dejansko pomeni

Točno to, kar vsak simbol za recikliranje plastike dejansko pomeni, kako reciklirati različne vrste plastike.   BRIAN CLARK HOWARD IN AMINA LAKE ABDELRAHMAN, INŠTITUT DOBRO GOSPODINJSTVO feb 26, 2020   Včasih se zdi, da je v sodobni Ameriki vse narejeno iz plastike. Vsestranski material je v naših avtomobilih, igrače, pakiranje, oblačila, […]

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“Rabljena PET plastenka” stroj za drobljenje plastike, pranje, sušenje, recikliranje video

to “Rabljena PET plastenka” stroj za recikliranje plastike z zelo stabilnim delovanjem, in enostaven za uporabo. Kontaktna voda delov celotne linije pralnih strojev za recikliranje je sestavljena iz visoko stardand 304 nerjavno jeklo.

Lastnosti in uporaba:Stroj za recikliranje rabljene plastike iz PET plastenk, ki se uporablja za pranje, odstranite prah in suhost. Proizvodnja na varni strani. Upravljajte materialne zmogljivosti,Cilj do par,Visoka upravičenost.

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Single wall and Double wall plastic corrugated pipe perforator machine video

This Single wall and Double wall plastic corrugated pipe perforator machine is special for plastic corrugated pipe, it can perforating the holes on corrugated pipe, the holes will perforated in valley accurately, and the holes are smooth and without residual. The perforated pipe can used as drainage pipe, with good performance.

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Double axle Shredder for plastic bottle, film, wood, paper tyre, Double Shaft Plastic Shredder Machine Video

Double axle Shredder for plastic bottle, film, wood, paper tyre, Double Shaft Plastic Shredder Machine Video is suitable to processed carton, very big size of plastic material, such as tire, compressed plastic film, small diameter copper wire and other things .

Poleg tega, the double shaft shredder can also have a good effect on shredding the film in rolls, hollow barrels and so on.

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Shredder for plastic bottle, film, wood, paper tyre, Single Shaft Plastic Shredder Machine Video

Shredder for plastic bottle, film, wood, paper tyre, Single Shaft Plastic Shredder Machine is to shredding the hard rigid material.

The single shaft shredders have been designed for the most demanding and high throughput applications in recycling industries,Clients could select the corresponding models according to the material size and quantity. Well as for the different special needs, providing a special knife rotor, for shredded material as film, woven bags or nylon, ABS and PC.

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Crushed PET bottle flakes in water cutting type plastic pelletizing machine video

Parallel twin screw PET plastic pelletizing machine line applied to the waste materials, which needs high processing performance of melting, volatilization, filtering etc., mainly works for the job of PET scraps recycling and re-pelletizing.

To slowing down IV reducing during PET flakes/scraps recycling, not only impurities, such as PVC content, moisture, etc., but also precise recycling system and reliable equipment configurations are necessary to put in the solution.

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